DeafDigest - 01 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 1, 2019 -- state representative made an interesting comment State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier (Massachusetts) said, in a town hall type meeting: we cannot get the services for the hearing impaired She was referring to lack of funds for all types of services, including those for the deaf (as well as with others)   -- Australia accused of discriminating against the deaf Does Australia, one of the world's most advanced nations with a high standard of living, discriminate against deaf immigrants? A hearing family with a deaf son wanted to apply for permanent residency (same as our Green Card). Australia said no for one reason - the son is deaf. Australian activists are now fighting the government to allow the family to stay.     -- a Netflix movie about the deaf "Missing Boy" is a new film, released by Netflix. It is about hearing child being kidnapped. It was reported to the police, which couldn't do anything about it. The angry mother, herself an attorney, decides to pursue the case - and when she finally rescues her own child, she discovers he has become deaf. The son, that couldn't master good sign language, somehow mentions the name of the kidnapper. She then searches for the kidnapper and catches him and brings him to "revenge" justice.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/31/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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