DeafDigest - 01 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 1, 2020 -- not realizing that an interpreter is needed Deaf people expect interpreters to be available. Many hearing people do not realize that deaf people are always expecting interpreters. This was a comment an interpreter made during a newspaper interview.   -- becoming late-hearing A deaf activist that attends a hearing college said: Most deaf wouldn't choose to be hearing even if the opportunity presented itself Is he correct? Don't know. If a person has been deaf all his life and then all of a sudden he becomes hearing, it is not easy to adjust to the hearing world. There was a movie about a blind man, suddenly able to see. He struggled about his new vision and became uncomfortable with his new vision world. He then chose to become blind again! Sorry, DeafDigest editor cannot remember the movie title as he saw it a long time ago.   -- possible scary lockdown order In the metro Washington, DC area, police officers have been enforcing the rule that everyone must stay home. They drive police cars and shout these orders via horns. What if a deaf person (shopping for groceries or walking the dog or walking to a pharmacy) cannot hear the police warnings? Very scary!     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/29/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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