DeafDigest - 01 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 1, 2015 -- a $250,000 bargain Swett, South Dakota is for sale for just $250,000. It contains six acres, an empty house and a closed bar. Is it a bargain? We remember that efforts were made to establish Laurent, SD as a deaf/sign languae town, and it failed. Too many rules, regulations, ordinances and local opposition stopped Laurent in its tracks. Would Swett be different? see the picture at:   -- good income from these ADA lawsuits There are people that look on ADA regulations as their personal gold mine. Too many ADA lawsuits have created problems in the legal profession. How bad is it? In South Florida, ten people have filed 67 percent of 2,300 ADA lawsuits, and they make a good living out of it. One attorney said it is Wild West, no rules, no regulations, no nothing.   -- ban on designer deaf-babies A group of scientists from USA, United Kingdom and China are in Washington, DC this week to discuss the possibility of passing a rule to ban gene-editing (same idea as designer deaf-babies). This should be interesting.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 11/29/15 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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