DeafDigest - 01 January 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 1, 2018   -- Milk foam-making difficult for deaf Deaf baristas have said that milk foam-making (in cafes) is difficult for the deaf to prepare. Hearing baristas hear the machine sound and know foam is ready. The deaf baristas need to feel the machine vibration to know if foam is ready or not! A picture is at:   -- swatting hurts the deaf Swatting means fake-911 calls. It was learned that many swatters pretend to be deaf and use deaf relay 911 calls. They feel safe because FCC requires all 911 calls to be confidential - even if it should require police attention!   -- captioners and the wrong-pronounced words Captioners struggle with words that are not correctly pronounced. Guess it right and the captions is correct; guess it wrong and everyone laughs (or gets angry) at wrong captions. The list of such difficult words is: Gal Gadot (actress) Bokeh (Sci-Fi film) Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) Dotard (insult by North Koreans) Fibromyalgia (illness) Namibia (African nation) Nuclear Puerto Rico Pyongyang     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- these fake bleeps 12/31/17 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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