DeafDigest - 01 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 1, 2020 -- the 11 Deaf Heroes Who are these 11 deaf heroes? Actually it was called the Gallaudet Eleven. And it has nothing to do with football's required 11 players on the field. The NASA asked for deaf volunteers, those with Spinal meningitis (no balance) to go through these lengthy NASA lab tests during the late fifties/early sixties to see if human beings can become astronauts. And in the years since then NASA has never really given the Gallaudet Eleven full credit they deserve. It was brought up in the media ever so recently.   -- United Nations helping or not helping the deaf There is an agency within the United Nations - The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It should be able to wield more powers than the ADA, but it doesn't. Possibly this UN agency is a joke as long as hearing people in many other nations continue to label the deaf as deaf-mutes!   -- do tap or not do tap the deaf on shoulder Is it always safe to tap the deaf person gently on his shoulder to get attention? Yes and no. Yes, for a huge majority of the deaf. No, for a few deaf people. Depending on the national Deaf Culture, a gentle tap may mean violence and the deaf person could react (in a bad way). It happened once to the DeafDigest Editor when he was trying to tap the shoulder of a deaf person (not an American) to warn him of an automobile that was coming behind him on a public street.   Deaf jobs - latest update 12/29/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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