DeafDigest - 01 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 1, 2014   -- a deaf collegiate basketball star stays home Crystle Marion, who played for Erie College in New York, was selected to the USA National Under-21 women's basketball team. Coming up was the World Deaf Basketball Championship in Turkey. All players had to raise $4,000 to make the trip. People in Buffalo donated money and she met the goal. A big shocker came up. She was ruled ineligible, too old to play - just by one week. American basketball officials thought she was eligible since she was born on December 25, 1992. A big misunderstanding since players had to be born after January 1, 1993. Yet - good news - the money she raised will go to her partipation at the 2015 Deaflympics!   -- deaf consumers win a big victory in London Sky TV is a big cable provider in London. Many deaf people subscribe to this TV service. The company just changed its policy - no more cancellations by email; if they wanted to cancel, they have to make a telephone call. This caused so much anger in the Deaf Community - that the company officials backed off and allowed the deaf to use email. For the hearing, they must make the telephone call.   - headache with hearing aid users Paris, Illinois is a small town of 6,000 people. It has a 911 service. A recently-retired 911 operator had a confession - that much of the communication problems with these emergency calls came from hearing aid users! He said "they can be the most difficult to work with over the phone".   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/29/14 Blue edition at: 06/29/14 Gold edition at:  

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