DeafDigest - 01 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 1, 2015 morning   -- the hero is a hearing aid Christine Bowden, a deaf British woman, wears two hearing aids. Just recently she was working in her garden, near the sea, and heard screaming. The hearing people around her didn't hear these screams! Puzzled, she looked around and found a capsized boat with several sailors waving and screaming for assistance. She quickly alerted the Coast Guard; they came and rescued them. These sailors owe a great deal of thanks for her two hearing aids!     -- six relay providers accusing FCC of not improving the services The six relay providers, all of them which bitterly compete against each other, joined forces to issue a joint press release. They accused the FCC of preventing improvement of deaf relay services. It was because FCC reduced the money to be paid these providers for their relay services. Less money means no chance to purchase better equipment, hire better interpreters, etc. Will FCC change its mind? No, because once FCC decides on something, that is it, for better or for worse.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:     6/28/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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