DeafDigest - 01 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 1, 2019 -- hassles of being a deaf contestant on a TV program A deaf person wanted to be a contestant on a TV program; a few would succeed but most don't. The biggest hassle is the relay service. Contest directors would telephone the contestants, asking questions about their background and qualifications, etc. Hearing contestants can deal directly with these voice calls; deaf contestants need to explain their deafness and the need to reach them via the relay service. This can be difficult for hearing contest directors that do not understand the needs of the deaf in communications.   -- oops, an accidential invention Several companies have said that they have invented the see-through surgical masks to allow deaf doctors as well as deaf patients to lipread during medical procedures. Well, one inventor said he invented it not for the benefit of the deaf but for hearing children! The inventor felt hearing children would feel comfortable when doctors use see-through masks and not masks that block their faces! True or not true?   -- solving the problem of different signs for same word A company has hired about 15 deaf people but they were employed in different locations. When these deaf employees communicate with each other on video, their signs for the same word were different. This has created workplace confusion. As a result the company owner, not deaf, established a sign language class for all employees to make sure all employees used one sign for each word!   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/30/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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