DeafDigest - 01 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 1, 2015 morning   -- a major supermarket chain uses sign language TV ads Sainsbury is a major British supermarket chain, just like Safeway in USA. Just recently this British chain started showing TV commercials in British Sign Language. We don't see the bigger chains doing the same in USA.       -- a complaint about our deaf geniuses We have many deaf people that are real smart, in other words - a genius. Someone wrote on the web that our deaf geniuses are recognized for their inventions, but not for their deafness! Two quick examples are Thomas A. Edison, with over 1,000 patents, and Vint Cerf, the Father of the Internet. We have more deaf genuises that have helped the society but are not known for being deaf!   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 5/31/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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