DeafDigest - 01 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 1, 2017   -- national deaf TV network comes back A national deaf TV network is coming back. To see what it is all about, click on: And also see the picture at:   -- a hearing food truck and the deaf Many food trucks are not deaf friendly - for one reason - chefs need to poke their heads out of the windows to look at the menu item pointed by the deaf. But are there deaf employees in the food truck industry? There is one - in St Augustine, Florida. A hearing owner of a food truck has hired a deaf woman. He said: She's shown a lot of interest and does a fantastic job   -- deaf not involved in early intervention for deaf children The Pennsylvania Society for Advancement of the Deaf hosted a forum that focused on early intervention for deaf children. Fingers were pointed at hearing-run agencies of the deaf, saying deaf professionals are not asked to be involved with these early intervention issues! This is not surprising, by the way.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Early intervention mess 5/28/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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