DeafDigest - 01 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 1, 2017 -- The Villages court case: comments A newspaper said the deaf won the Villages (Florida) court case regarding no interpreters for learning classes. Yet this story leads to more questions - 30 deaf people testified but only 21 were awarded money; why not nine others? Total of $212,000 split among the 21 winners (nearly $11,000 per winner) in this three-week long trial, costing millions of dollars in legal fees, yet for the deaf winners, it is "pennies". Who pays for legal fees of these deaf winners, never mind deaf losers? Why did the trial last three weeks? Something does not look right after reading the story. And besides - the Villages could appeal, not that they will! A picture is at:   -- captions for the hearing Many hearing people hate captions, saying it is distracting on the screen, and they would turn it off on TV if no deaf people are around. Yet, many hearing people have a very hard time following these Lord of The Rings stories, and other classicals, even with voices. This is where the captions come in!   -- Deaflympics on TV Deaflympics is coming up. Will it be on TV? It was announced that the Olympic Channel has signed a tie-up with the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (the governing body of the Deaflympics). It says that Deaflympics could be broadcast. "Could" does not mean it will, though!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Clarke School, unbelievable incident 2/26/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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