DeafDigest - 01 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 1, 2020 -- deaf reviewing hearing movie scripts Could a deaf person review hearing movie scripts and make recommendations to the script agency director? One deaf person had that job.   -- oops, wrong use of sign language Those that watched the The Walking Dead zombie movie, said that in one scene, hearing character (Kelly) used a sign language gesture that was all wrong! Movie directors must blame someone for the wrong sign gesture - and they blamed Covid-19 for the production crew staying home and not able to watch the screening! It is the same movie that deaf actress Lauren Ridloff played the Connie role.     -- AT&T cheated on deaf relay services It was mentioned in a newspaper today that Randall L. Stephenson stepped down as AT&T CEO. One of the accusations was that he helped cheat the deaf relay service of its funds. For that reason AT&T was fined $18.6 million.   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/26/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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