DeafDigest - 01 November 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 1, 2013   -- two big Gallaudet football ironies! Gallaudet is famous for two football inventions. First, Gallaudet invented the football huddle. And Gallaudet used the drum to tell its players that the ball is snapped. But there are two big ironies with both inventions. First, Gallaudet rarely uses the huddle! The game has changed so much that the huddle is slowly becoming old fashioned. And also for the same reason (game changing) Gallaudet stopped using the drum!   -- India may allow the deaf to serve as small claims court judges! For years India has not allowed the deaf to serve as judges in small claims courts. This may change because the High Court has ordered the government to allow the deaf to become judges. Small claims means small stuff like apartment evictions, small property destruction, dog bites, money owed, parking tickets, etc.   -- The Tim Horton coffee & donuts franchise in Canada Tim Hortons is a well known coffee & donuts chain in Canada (same as our own Dunkin' Donuts). Do we have deaf owners of a Tim Horton franchise? Yes - Mark Wafer, who is deaf, but functions as a hearing person, has owned a Tim Hortons franchise for 20 years in Toronto. One of his best employees has Down syndrome. And speaking of owning fast food franchises, a deaf man wanted to buy a McDonald's franchise in the late seventies. McDonald's turned him down; he filed a lawsuit with the help of National Association of the Deaf - but he didn't win - it was years before ADA.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/27/13 Blue edition at: 10/27/13 Gold edition at:

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