DeafDigest - 01 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 1, 2018     -- big protest against automated captioning software Deaf people don't like automated captioning software because it makes so many errors. Video providers love it because it saves them money. Anyway there is a group that is collecting signatures to a petition to tell FCC to ban automated captioning software. Will FCC listen to us? No.   -- comment by a late-deafened person who became hearing A woman was born hearing, but became deaf and then years later, thanks to a CI, she became hearing again. She said: I was just a tourist in the deaf world It is a fact that late-deafened people have little, if no, connection to the deaf world where everyone grew up deaf.   -- old way to help the deaf did help the hearing years ago, a deaf man had a big job. He was the only deaf person in the group, and there were no interpreters or captions. The deaf man was important and the supervisor wanted to make him happy. During staff meetings, everything was written down on the blackboard. It was realized that hearing people were also helped, because they often forget spoken words during the meetings. But when everyone copied everything on the blackboard, no one forgets it. Since then these meetings had less spoken words and more on the blackboards!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf designer, greeting cards company 10/01/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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