DeafDigest - 01 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 1, 2020 -- Tampa Bay Lightning hockey goalie Andrei Vasilevsky is the goalie with the Stanley Cup-winning Tampa Bay Lightning team. His father (same name) coached the national deaf Russian hockey team that competed in the Winter Deaflympics. The story today said that the father "knows" all of the needed gestures perfectly. Needed gestures - meaning hockey signs for skate hard, check hard, move around, freeze the puck, etc or something else (players' private language)?   -- less money to fund relay services Pretty much not good news - that the FCC has reduced from $1.58 per minute to $1.30 per minute (for the coming year and half) to fund deaf relay services. Hope this does not force our relay services to go out of business. This is worrisome.   -- Forbes Magazine says so an article in the Forbes Magazine says: Recognize obviously insulting terms and stop using or tolerating them First example was this - deaf and dumb for deaf and non-speaking or non-verbal   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/27/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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