DeafDigest - 01 September 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 31, 2011

-- Bring your own hard cover notebook for appointments

A deaf woman who applied for a job and did not get it, is
filing a discrimination lawsuit against a company. The
interviewer wrote on his notepad that she cannot get the
job because she was deaf. She asked for the notes and
the interviewer would not give it to her. This is a trick -
you cannot keep the notes from the company's notebook but
you can keep your notes from your own notebook. The lesson
is that if you go to a job interview without an interpreter,
bring your own notebook and tell the job interviewer to
write on it.

-- Deafblind auto racer racing against blind hearing racers

Ryan Kucy, who is deaf-blind, competed against eleven other
hearing racers, all of them blind, in a special auto race at the
Edmonton International Raceway in Canada. It was the racetrack's
annual Blind Behind the Wheel race. How do the hearing drivers
race if they cannot see? They have someone sitting next to them
in the passenger seat, giving directions. Then how would deaf-blind
Kucy be able to race? The passenger pulls on Kucy's hand to turn
left or pushes the hand to turn right. This special race is an annual
fund raiser for the Alberta Guide Dog Association. Kucy has
been in that race for five years so far and he looks forward to
it every year.

-- Special eyeglasses to watch movie subtitles

Deaf people love to watch movies with subtitles; many
hearing people hate to watch these subtitled movies.
A special eyeglasses has been proposed as a compromise
in United Kingdom. Without these special eyeglasses
the subtitles are "invisible" on the screen. Sony is
the manufacturer of these special eyeglasses, which
is called "subtitle glasses". It may be available
soon, depending on demand by the deaf community.
DeafDigest editor has one question - will it work
with deaf people that already wear eyeglasses?

-- A video explanation, with captions, of ADA

What is ADA in the workplace? An agency, Michigan Works!,
has produced a video, with captions. It is at:

The video is almost 12 minutes long

-- A successful deaf gold miner

A Gold Rush, sort of, is going on in the Australian
bush country, about a 4-hour drive from Sydney. One
of these gold miners is Mike Honeysett. He is deaf.
Why is he gold-mining? Gold prices have gone up
25 percent this year. While mining, Mike looks at the
digital read out of his metal detector and starts
mining when the display reads 90 percent. How good is
he doing in gold mining? The newspaper mentioned one
word - lucrative.

-- Job openings in Pittsburgh

Senior Coordinator & Program Supervisor
Pressley Ridge School for the Deaf
Pittsburgh, PA

more information at:

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