DeafDigest - 01 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 1, 2013 -- an interpreter explains Deaf Culture Someone asked an interpreter what is deaf culture. The interpreter said - honest talk; explaining things that they see; describing people such as person with pimples, the short fat person, etc; foot banging the floor; turning on lights to call someone; deaf-only travel tours; deaf-only parties; following Deaf Rules; etc.     -- police officers still handcuff deaf people Do not handcuff a deaf person behind his back. It is a lesson many police officers do not understand. For that reason, the Whatcom County (Washington) had to pay an old deaf man $62,500. The deaf man was handcuffed behind his back, preventing him from communicating with the police.     -- a deaf hotel consultant forgot one very important thing! Ruthy Fletcher, a deaf British woman, is a consultant with many hotels on Deaf Travel issues. She has been telling hotels to give flashing signal devices for the deaf. She is correct - but - she forgot one very important thing. Many deaf travelers carry their own laptops. While almost all hotels advertise having wi-fi systems, not all such systems are the same. Some are easy to connect; some are impossible to connect. When the wi-fi cannot be connected, then a voice call must be made with the internet provider's service center (many of them in India). Calling up the service center is often impossible for the deaf. When that happens, the hotel clerk MUST come to the room, and make the call and then help connect the wi-fi to make sure it works. Most hotels won't do that!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 08/25/13 Blue edition at: 08/25/13 Gold edition at:  

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