DeafDigest - 01 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 1, 2014   -- Starbuck wants to hire the deaf Starbuck wants to hire the deaf. To hire them as coffee baristas? No. It is not Starbucks, but Starbuck Machining Company in Holland, Michigan. Rich Starbuck, who owns the company, already has one deaf employee and has paid for interpreter. He said in a newspaper story that he wishes to hire more - but very difficult to find those that are qualified as machinists.   -- a deaf attorney that financial cheats hate! Attorney Robert Hunter is deaf. He specializes in fighting and solving financial frauds. If you have read all about the Madoff Ponzi Billion Dollar frauds, this is an example of what he does for a living. If there is a Deaf Fraud, then he will fight it. Where is he and which law firm he works for? He is a partner with the Herbert Smith Freehills global law firm. He works out of the branch in Great Britain, sorry not in USA.     -- the world's best deaf chef Who is the World's Best Deaf Chef? We will find out on November 7th and 8th. A new event - Deaf Chef 2014 is taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Noted Deaf Chef Kurt Ramborger has been invited and he has accepted. Sponsoring this event is Allehånde Køkken, Denmmark'S #1 food services vendor. More information about this event will be announced sometime this month.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/31/14 Blue edition at: 08/31/14 Gold edition at:  

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