DeafDigest - 01 September 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 1, 2017   -- a surprise Starbucks story Starbucks said they have about 50 deaf baristas all over USA. To honor these baristas, Starbucks came up with green aprons that show these A-B-C fingerspelled letters. See the picture at:   -- Deaf Fake News A deaf kid became hearing in Great Britain when his mother opened a bag of potato chips. This is what many British newspapers reported - but is it real or fake news?   -- Snickers candy best for deaf athlete's health Can we eat 14 Snickers candy bars every day? Well, Derrick Coleman, who is deaf and plays football for Atlanta Falcons, eats that many candy bars every day. Will it help him make the final roster for the 2017 season? We shall wait and see!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- top deaf wildlife stamps artist 8/27/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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