DeafDigest - 01 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 1, 2020 -- the McDonald's discriminations Today's headline said: McDonald's discriminates against Black franchisees, lawsuit claims True story but not a newspaper headline many years ago: McDonald's discriminates against a deaf franchise applicant In the late 1970's, a deaf man, that functions as a hearing person and knowing no ASL, wanted to purchase a McDonald's franchise. That man had a lot of money and could easily afford these franchise start-up fees, but he was turned down. McDonald's basically told him a deaf person cannot own a franchise. Upset, he went to the NAD; at that time NAD had its own law center, and they tried to help him win. Don't know what happened, but there was no ADA in these days.   -- a mask loophole The state of Indiana allows hearing coaches to take off their masks if they have a deaf athlete on their teams. Coaches of teams that have no deaf athletes are not allowed to take off masks during games and practices.   -- something that a deaf actor hates Many deaf actors only get a few roles in TV episodes. What they hate the most - is for script writers to write them off the script! This means they cannot come back to the same program sometime later on. Being written off the script is common for hearing actors, and they more likely will find other roles in different TV programs. Not always that so with deaf actors.     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/30/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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