DeafDigest - 02 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 2, 2015   -- a relay service rule many of us don't know about Many deaf people love to travel overseas. Some of them want to use the relay while still overseas. You cannot, unless you inform your relay service provider before you leave USA. If you forget and then try to use the relay service, they will not serve you until you arrive home. Will this hated rule be changed? The FCC is being asked to change it. Will they?   -- a surprise role for Matt Hamill Matt Hamill was supposed to fight last weekend. He couldn't because of illness. But he has become a hero. Driving on a highway in Utica, NY, a wrong-way car went past him. Thinking something was not right, he turned around and chased the car, and forced it to a stop. Door was locked so he used his fists to break the glass to open it. Inside the car was a mother and a baby. The mother was unconscious. The cops came and said the mother was driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs!   -- deaf protecting wild animals Wildlife refuges protect protect some wild animals from hunters. At the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin, the refuge manager is Lindsey Landowski. She is deaf. Taking care of animals could be stressful, and managers need to relax with something different. How does she relax? By competing with other women in roller derby!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/29/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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