DeafDigest - 02 August 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 2, 2013 -- A deaf beggar near Deaflympics? Dobri Dobrev, deaf most of his life, is a beggar, walking through the streets of Sofia. This is where Deaflympics is taking place. Did Deaflympics participants see him begging? Do not know - but this beggar is different. He gives the money to Sofia's churches for building repairs, and also to pay electric bills of the city's orphanages. He walks over 10 miles per day, begging for money. He does not beg for himself because he has his own retirement pension. Why is it amazing? Dobri is 98 years old!     -- Learning a deaf language in few hours? Could a person learn a deaf language in few hours? An instructor says yes. DeafDigest editor asked a friend who is fluent in that language, and the friend says it is possible. The language is Cued Speech! Normally it takes 8 hours to learn Cued Speech, but Aaron Cues (not sure if it is his real last name) says it is possible to learn it in much fewer hours.     -- Regal interested in different closed captions Regal is interested in a different closed captions. Instead of captions showing on the screen with special glasses, these captions may show up on another small screen below the picture screen. Sorry, special glasses is still needed. 3D Experience, a company in Great Britain, is working on that "below the big screen" captions. Regal is giving advice and feedback for the 3D Experience engineers. Do we want to see closed captions on the screen or closed captions on a 2nd screen below the big screen?     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 07/28/13 Blue edition at: 07/28/13 Gold edition at:

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