DeafDigest - 02 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 2, 2019 -- Amazon's hero deaf employee Marnie Wilson, who is deaf, is Amazon's hero employee. Her job title is Amazon associate, and she works at the Shakopee, Minnesota warehouse. There are always issues at huge warehouses - boxes get misplaced, boxes can get crushed in the conveyor belt, computer cannot read the box labels, etc. You name it and the warehouse has experienced it. Marnie's job is to catch these errors and to make quick fixes. She was featured in a newspaper story.   -- #1 advice for deaf that don't enroll at Gallaudet or NTID There is an important advice for deaf students at colleges which is not either Gallaudet or NTID - go to the Office of Disabled Services and inform them of needs (interpreters, CART, etc). For some reason there are deaf students that don't follow that advice.   -- our deaf helicopter pilots We have a good number of deaf airplane pilots but what about deaf helicopter pilots? Just two - according to a member of the Deaf Pilots Association. Operating a helicopter more difficult than operating an airplane? Don't know.     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/28/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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