DeafDigest - 02 December 2012

DeafDigest Blue - December 2, 2012 Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday America's Unique Deaf Stories; subscription at no cost to you Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 16th year -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Last week's ASL Videos with captions: This week's ASL Videos with captions: (if you have iPad, click on top video; if you have another computer, click on bottom video) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Big Holiday Savings at Harris Communications At Harris Communications, we have a huge selection of assistive devices for all levels of hearing loss--- from amplified phones, to loud alarm clocks, to signaling systems. Starting Monday, December 3, save 15% on all equipment.* In addition, with orders of $75 or more, you will receive free shipping! Find practical products in every price range that can be used throughout the year. Need help selecting a product? Check out our Holiday Gift Guide or contact us for assistance. Be sure to visit the Harris Communications website throughout the holiday season to find fantastic sales offers. *Certain product restrictions may apply. Sale ends December 9, 2012. To find out more, go to: or contact us at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always anonymous .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:  (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Use Hamilton Web Relay® along with a locally-based, 10-digit Hamilton HomeTown Number[tm] to make and receive calls without the interruptions that come from using instant messaging programs!  Don't have a HomeTown Number? Register today and share your number with friends and colleagues! Visit and click on the "Make & Receive Calls Now" icon to check it out. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the Blue section. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- This just in - The 3 finalists for the presidency of Alabama School for the Deaf and Blind are John Mascia, the school vice president, Larry Taub, the past headmaster at Pennsylvania School for the Deaf and Tyrone Yarbrough, a service agency administrator. Of these 3 finalists, only Taub is deaf. The new RID Executive Director is Shane Feldman, who leaves his CEO position with the National Association of the Deaf. This is a significant hire - because Feldman is deaf, and grew up using Cued Speech, and he is leading an organization of sign language interpreters! Top stories about the deaf: Deacon Matthew Hysell, who is deaf, will be ordained as a new priest this week. He serves the deaf parishioners in Edmonton, Canada. Who is the superintendent of the New York State School for the Deaf (Rome, NY)? No one, yet. This position has been vacant for two months. The state said it is continuing its "recruitment effort" to find a replacement, but would not tell how many have applied? This school is not to be confused with the New York School for the Deaf, White Plains, NY, two completely separate schools with a near similar name. There is a new Facebook page; it is called ASL High School Teachers Network. All ASL teachers are invited to browse and surf. A special committee in Iowa made a recommendation - save Iowa School for the Deaf. It was feared that the committee would recommend the school be closed or moved to the eastern part of the state. The Iowa Board of Regents will act on the recommendation. Keep in mind the fate was not nice to the neighboring states (Nebraska School for the Deaf - closed; South Dakota School for the Deaf - decentralized statewide). What happens if a person's inner ear implant has a dead battery? Just pull it out, throw out the old battery and put in a new battery and then put the implant back in the inner ear? No way! A Stanford University team of surgeons, neuroscientists and electrical engineers, worked together on a self-charging implant. Not yet ready for the market, though. .............................................................. a deaf carpenter job opening at deaf school in Framingham, MA more information at: .............................................................. Attention: interested ASLPI evaluators ASL Diagnostic and Evaluation Services (ASL-DES) will be conducting ASLPI training (phase 1) January 10-13, 2013 to a limited group of individuals who apply and qualify for the training. Individuals who successfully complete and pass all phases (1, 2 and 3) of the ASLPI training program will be eligible to apply for the full-time ASL Proficiency Evaluator position with ASL-DES that will be advertised. All other individuals who successfully pass all phases of the ASLPI training program will join our pool of ASLPI evaluators who work with the system on an "on call" basis and who assist in providing ASLPI evaluations for individuals, programs and businesses nationwide. The application is located on the ASL-DES web site: a limited number of people will be accepted into the training so do not delay in submitting your application. If you have questions, please email: .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) .............................................................. .............................................................. Don't Miss Another Word! Enjoy phone conversations confident you'll catch every word! The CapTel® Captioned Telephone shows word-for-word captions of everything a caller says over the phone, letting you read everything the caller says. Like captions on TV - for your phone! Captions are provided by a free service, no monthly fees or contracts required. For more information and to order call us at 1-800-233-9130 (V/TTY) or visit us at: For a copy of our catalog, email: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! CapTel® Captioned Telephone - See What Everyone is Talking About! .............................................................. .............................................................. DOUBLE ASL-LUCK IN ONE DAY DeafDigest editor lives in Washington, DC. And he got a double ASL-luck in one day. He went to a restaurant. The waitress serving him was fluent in ASL. She is not a Coda but has part time jobs as ASL interpreter and as a Speech Therapist. It was so easy to order a meal in ASL with her instead of pointing at the menu. After the dinner, DeafDigest editor walked the dog - and bumped into a tourist that wanted directions to visit Spy Museum. He switched from voice to ASL when DeafDigest editor told him he was deaf. Very easy to explain in ASL the directions to the museum. This is "Double-ASL". - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: if you have iPad, click on top video; if you have another computer, click on bottom video ..................................................... ..................................................... Now available on DVD - Texas Deaf History documentary "Journey Through Deaf Texas" in ASL, open subtitles and background music more information at: ..................................................... ..................................................... DEAF VIDEO BECOMING USELESS? Some deaf sign languages are dying in small communities all over the world. Some deaf linguists are using the video to tape these sign languages before the older sign language users pass away. DeafDigest wonders if these videos are useless - because no one in the world could understand these dying sign languages? Just wondering! Maybe DeafDigest is wrong? - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: if you have iPad, click on top video; if you have another computer, click on bottom video ..................................................... ..................................................... A street named after a deaf person view it at: ................................................ ................................................ COMING IN SECOND AT THE SPORTS ILLUSTRATED CONTEST California School for the Deaf at Fremont, with its powerhouse football team, hoped to win the Sports Illustrated's Underdogs contest. The school came in second. The winner was a high school in Michigan that had a member of the football team with Down syndrome. ................................................ ................................................ Meet and chat with deaf singles and friends worldwide on the #1 deaf network on the Internet....Deaf Match International ! Become a member and you can access all the great features of DMI ! * Find out why Deaf Match International has worked for over 10 years....since 2001 * Sign up and list your profile for FREE * Find the most Deaf and Hard of Hearing singles online - thousands of members ! Visit: ..................................................................... ..................................................................... The 2013 Catalog of "Assistive Devices for People with Hearing Loss" is now available at Hear World Communications ! Sign up for a FREE copy now at Also...Get a FREE CaptionCall Captioned Amplified Telephone ! Do you have trouble hearing on the phone? Check out this amazing offer at Hear World.....For a limited time, you can sign up for a FREE CaptionCall Captioned Telephone for all hard of hearing customers who qualify.....includes FREE delivery and installation...and no monthly charges (paid for by the FCC) ! "CaptionCall" is a state-of-the-art 40dB amplified and captioning-enabled phone that features a large, easy-to-read 7" touch screen that displays written captions (with adjustable text) of what your callers are saying. Hear World has a HUGE selection of New & Updated products....with the LOWEST Prices Guaranteed....For details and to shop online, visit: Storewide SALE plus Free Shipping...Save $$$ right now at Hear World Communications ! For more information on CaptionCall and other assistive devices, contact: Hear World Communications TOLL FREE: 1-866-889-4872 (Voice or TTY) In MD, DC and VA --- Call: (301) 926-2365 (Voice or TTY) FAX: (301) 963-0785 VP: (866) 536-6781 E-Mail: Web: Live Online Support --- AIM: UnitedTTY or HearWorld .............................................................. .............................................................. THE TAXES ARABIANS The Taxes Arabians? What is this all about? Nonsense? Yes, but it showed up on the auto-captions when the topic was the Houston Texans-Baltimore Ravens football game that took place earlier in this football season! This is not a joke. If more video providers turn to auto-captions to save money, then we will suffer through many, many nonsense auto-captioned words! WHAT DO INTERPRETERS HATE? being asked this question - could we meet in private so that you can teach me all these dirty word signs? if you have these "hate" or "horror" stories, please COMMENTS FROM A CART OPERATOR - continuing series People who become court reporters, captioners, and CART providers come from many different backgrounds.  Some go to court reporting school immediately after high school, but there are increasing numbers of people in the profession who have followed other paths to get there. There are some who have bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and even Ph.D.s and other advanced degrees who have decided that their real love is captioning, CART providing, or court reporting.  They have returned to court reporting school and learned steno theory and practiced in order to achieve their goal. Even for people with advanced degrees, becoming a court reporter, CART provider, or captioner takes a lot of practice.  In order to achieve their goals faster, people with great determination may write on their steno machines all day in school and then go home in the evening and practice some more.  Some very determined people end up spending more than eight hours a day practicing in order to increase their speed. The faster one achieves the high speeds necessary to graduate from a court reporting program, the quicker he or she will be able to achieve the goal of being a CART provider, captioner, or a court reporter. A PET PEEVE OF BEING DEAF a true story, experienced by DeafDigest editor, as a 8-year old kid visiting the home of a hearing 8-year old neighbor. The hearing neighbor's mother wrote on a piece of paper - can you read or write? DeafDigest editor told his mother about it and she threw a terrible fit, confronting the neighbor and scolding her for asking such an ignorant question! (Every deaf person, no matter if it is ASL, oral, Cued Speech, late-deafened, hearing aid user, CI user, etc, share these pet peeves. You may laugh or cry) .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of the Gold section .............................................................. .............................................................. DeafLaw the law says that employers cannot discriminate against applicants with respect to gender, race, disability. This law is often a joke because experienced employers know how to discriminate in ways that they cannot be sued. ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago: DeafDigest is always thrilled to see deaf people succeeding in "hearing-only" jobs - be it physician, professor in a non-ASL hearing class, coach of a hearing athletic team, schmoozing with moneyed VIPS in multi-million dollar fund raising drives on behalf of a school for the deaf, etc. Here is another one - a printing shop hiring a deaf customer service representative; he deals with printing needs of hearing customers. (editor's note: this person only lasted a short time in his position) ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago: Jane K. Fernandes, whose selection by the trustees as the new Gallaudet president caused so much unrest on the campus last year, has been recommended for a new position. University of North Carolina at Asheville chancellor Anne Ponder has chosen Fernandes for the provost position. This appointment is subject to approval by the university board of trustees. (editor's note: she continues in this position) ...... Deaf Apocalypse of the Week: From time to time we read about auto-captions as the thing of the future. These proponents cite huge cost savings. What these same proponents would not mention is the high error rate with captions on the auto-caption system. Do they realize that excessive errors are just as annoying to us as much as static is annoying to those that listen to voice programs? ....... A Lipreading Problem: What did that person say? At a Thanksgiving dinner, the deaf person was talking about broccoli with a hearing guest The deaf person thought the guest said: I buy secret service broccoli Secret service? The guest actually said: I buy single service broccoli -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * YOU COULD PLACE YOUR PAID EMPLOYMENT ADS IN THIS SECTION * on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the best in the nation. * For more information, send E-mail to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - EXCITING EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS AT GLAD !! - -  Staff Interpreter -  Los Angeles, CA   (Three positions) -  Staff Interpreter - Bakersfield, CA -  Staff Interpreter - Riverside, CA  (Two positions) -  Job Developer/Interpreter - Rancho Cucamonga, CA -  Community Advocate - Los Angeles, CA To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website: If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume and application to: Jeff Fetterman Human Resources Manager Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc. 2222 Laverna Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207 Fax #:  (323) 550-4204 E-mail: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Job announcement Interpreter IV/Coordinator COPD - Albuquerque Albuquerque, New Mexico No 03-10-053 STATUS            Exempt - Full Time PRIMARY FUNCTION Responsible for the Community Outreach Program for the Deaf (COPD) - New Mexico's Interpreting Services Program.  Manages the Interpreting Program with oversight from both the Agency Director and the Operations Director of Interpreting.  Administers the Interpreting Department's internship program.  Performs daily supervisory responsibilities for Interpreter Referral Specialists and Staff Interpreters.  Assists with administrative and operational policy development and monitoring of monthly expenditures. Completes interpreter status and staff productivity reports, ensuring quality of service, and develops agreements and contracts with customer businesses.  Provides interpreting and transliterating services for Deaf and Hearing consumers in a variety of educational and community settings. Documents interpreting time and activities for billing purposes.  May perform other duties as assigned. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS -    Provides interpreting and transliterating services for Deaf and Hearing consumers in a variety of educational and community settings including medical, mental health, vocational, social services, etc. -    Maintains high professional standards in accordance with the RID Code of Professional Conduct, ensuring quality interpreting services for the Hearing and Deaf consumers -    Documents interpreting time for billing purposes -    Assists with in-house and walk-in interpreting services, as needed -    Assists with emergency coverage as schedule permits -    Meets the productivity requirements as assigned by supervisor -    Provides input for hiring, training, and evaluating staff -    Reviews with supervisor and develops select administrative functions in support of the Interpreting program mission.  Administrative functions include documenting interpreting time for billing purposes, assisting with feedback mechanisms for interpreters and assisting with oversight of Interpreter Referral Specialists -    Supervises Interpreter Referral Specialists and Staff Interpreters -    Monitors the quality of services of freelance (contract) interpreters and reports to Director -    Administers the Interpreting Department's internship program; works with supervisor in the development of the internship program for state-wide and national best practices -    Assists the Agency Director by Collaborating with legal, medical and mental health partners state-wide to maximize services and training opportunities -    Develops interpreting related workshops for consumers and interpreters as assigned by the Agency Director -    Assists Interpreting Department with projects such as developing training, internship and mentoring for staff and contract interpreters -    Assists with contracts for freelance interpreters; maintains a file on each freelance interpreter; follows-up on interpreter/consumer concerns -    Evaluates productivity levels of staff interpreters and monthly fill rates for the department and makes recommendations for improvement; develops procedures to accomplish stated recommendations -    Consults with agencies regarding professional and ethical conduct of contract interpreters -    Evaluates interpreter services and develops recommendations of changes based on community needs and service operation; shares information with Agency Director and Director of Operations -    Completes monthly interpreter status reports and staff productivity reports, and analyzes departmental functions; reports findings to the Advisory Board -    Assists in coordinating/scheduling community and educational interpreters -    Acts as a liaison with local and national interpreting resources such as NAD and RID to foster improvement in interpreting services -    Works as part of a team to develop VI programs for the Deaf community -    Works with businesses and organizations in the development of VI services -    Represents the Interpreting Program at agency and community meetings, as assigned by supervisor -    May drive agency or personal vehicle on company business MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS -    Completion of ITP or Associates degree or three years of directly related experience may substitute for Associates -    RID CI and CT, or CSC, or CDI/RSC, or NAD5, or EIPA 5.0, or NIC Advanced -    Current valid New Mexico Interpreter License -    2 years of interpreting experience, community interpreting preferred (1 year of experience equals 20-25 hours per week for average of 50 weeks per year) -    Pass drug screening -    Valid New Mexico Driver License, proof of insurance and New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division Motor Vehicle Report DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS -    Bachelor's degree -    Completion of formal internship/mentee program -    Additional years of directly related experience -    Knowledge about/experience with VRI SALARY        $24.00 - $28.56 depending on experience and educational background HOW TO APPLY Fax resume and cover letter 520-770-8505 or Email resume and cover letter EOE -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- seeking applicants MOST Program Counselor JFGH Rockville, Maryland JOB IS LOCATED IN ROCKVILLE, MD JFGH is currently looking to hire a MOST Program Counselor fluent in ASL. Please see the job description below for details.  The hours are 9a - 3p Monday - Friday.  The pay rate would be between $10.00 - $15.00 per hour depending on education and experience.  If you know of any good candidates that might be interested, please share my contact information with them, or ask them fill out a job application on our website Resumes can also be faxed to 240.715.9139 Attn: Human Resources. Job description: The MOST Program Counselor is responsible for transition programming for MOST program participants. The MOST Program Counselor will initiate and promote individuals' participation in activities necessary to support their Individualized Transition Plans (ITP), on which each participants goals toward Self-Sufficiency, Community, and Vocation are identified. This includes but is not limited to: - Teaching and facilitating participants' independence in self-help, activities of daily living, and safety skills - Identifying and introducing participants to social, recreational, and transportation resources in the community, and promoting development of social skills - Assisting in determining work readiness, abilities, interests, and preferences, conducting work readiness training, assisting with completion of applications and job interviews, and providing job development and job coaching. Candidates with background in special education, vocational rehabilitation, or job coaching are encouraged to apply. Qualifications: -    Bachelor's degree or equivalent education/experience. -    Fluent in ASL -    Experience with behavior management and task analysis. -    Experience with job coaching and job development. -    Excellent interpersonal communication and problem solving skills. -    Experience working with individuals with disabilities. -    Valid MD, VA, or DC driver's license. -    Must pass all background checks. -    Must successfully pass required Drug Screening test. -    Must be able to lift 50-100 pounds and be capable of kneeling on the floor to provide assistance to participants. -    Must be familiar with computers. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Position announcement Job Order # 10294 Lecturer in American Sign Language Department of Speech and Hearing Science Arizona State University Tempe & downtown Phoenix, AZ The Department of Speech and Hearing Science seeks a full-time lecturer of American Sign Language (ASL). The nine-month appointment begins August 2013. Responsibilities include teaching four levels of ASL at both the Tempe and Downtown Phoenix campuses, and participating in program advancement. Requirements include a Master's degree from an accredited college or university and three years' experience teaching ASL at an accredited college or university. Desired qualifications include five years' experience teaching ASL at an accredited college or university, experience using Microsoft PowerPoint to produce classroom teaching materials, and experience with digital video production and editing. To apply, send a letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, resume or vitae, and the names and contact information of three professional references (email and/or phone number, and address) to: Paul Quinn, Search Committee Chair, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Arizona State University, PO Box 870102, Tempe, AZ 85287-0102. E-mail applications are encouraged and must be sent to: The application deadline is January 25, 2013; if not filled, every Friday thereafter until the search is closed. Supporting credentials and additional materials may be required later. Visit for program information. ASU is an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity employer and is dedicated to recruiting a diverse faculty community. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. A background check is required for employment. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Employment opening Communication Specialist/Speech Language Pathologist Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind Colorado Springs, CO The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), located in Colorado Springs at the foot of the beautiful Rocky Mountains is accepting applications for COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST / SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST (SLP).  Position is responsible for providing speech language instruction to Preschool through Transition age students who are Deaf / hard-of-hearing. Interested persons are invited to visit the CSDB website at. under Non-Classified Employment to view the job announcement in its entirety; excellent benefits; open until filled; all interviews conducted on-site at CSDB. Please follow instructions on the job announcement to submit a complete on-line application and upload a formal letter of interest, current resume, recent letters of recommendation (with signature), copies of all transcripts, a copy of current educator certification (if applicable), and a copy of Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) (if applicable). Contact information: Chelle Lutz, Human Resources Office Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind 33 North Institute Street; Colorado Springs, CO  80903 E-mail:; (719) 578-2114 (phone);  (719) 578-2239 (fax) CSDB is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- (revised posting) positions available Rehabilitation Counselor II State of Maine (one position in Lewiston; one position in Bangor) REHABILITATION COUNSELOR II Class Code 3082 For Deaf and Hard of hearing Yearly salary $34,091.20 to $46,217.60 Maine has 2 positions available for Rehabilitation Counselor II to work with Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.  The positions are 2 year temporary positions that we are hoping will become permanent BENEFITS: Value of State-paid Dental Insurance:  $13.42 biweekly Value* of State-paid Health Insurance: Level 1:  100% State Contribution (employee pays nothing):  $363.77 biweekly Level 2:  95% State Contribution (employee pays 5%):  $345.58 biweekly Level 3:  90% State Contribution (employee pays 10%):  $327.39 biweekly Level 4:  85% State Contribution (employee pays 15%):  $309.20 biweekly *The level of the actual value of state paid Health Insurance will be based on the employee's wage rate and status with regard to the health credit premium program as of July 1, 2010. Value of State's Share of Employee Retirement 11.54% Opening: November 8, 2012               Closing: November 26, 2012 Typical duties include determining eligibility for rehabilitation services and supporting individuals with disabilities in a vocational program leading to an employment outcome.  Strong interpersonal and organizational skills are necessary.  These positions may serve persons with a broad range of disabilities and ages, including transition services from school to work, mental health rehabilitation, and rehabilitation counseling for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. These are two year time limited positions. One position will be based in the Lewiston Career Center, and the other position will be based in the Bangor Career Center. Occasional statewide travel will be required. Please state preference of location on your application. Minimum qualification includes six (6) year combination of experience and/or education demonstrating knowledge and abilities relating to vocational rehabilitation counseling. After meeting the minimum qualifications, preference  will be given to those applicants having a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling, related field or a C.R.C. Proficiency in Sign language (ASL) required. Interested persons must complete the Direct Hire Application Applications are available at Career Centers, the Employment & Security Service Center, Human Resources Office in Augusta, or online at: Completed applications including a copy of CRC certification and copies of post-secondary transcripts are required. The completed application packet must be postmarked on or before November 26, 2012 to the: Employment and Security Service Center, Office of Human Resources, 45 Commerce Drive, State House Station #108,, Augusta, Me 04333-0108. Telephone: 207 623-6739, TTY 1-800-794-1110 or can be emailed to: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Deaf Services at Advocates - Now Hiring! Advocates Inc positions based in Eastern and Central Massachusetts www. We are seeking Deaf and/or ASL fluent applicants for a variety of positions to support people who are Deaf and who have developmental disabilities, psychiatric diagnoses and mobility restrictions (Mental and/or Physical Challenges). Positions include awake overnights,  day and evening direct service workers, senior counselors, outreach workers and clinical program managers. Enjoy a career within a communication friendly environment, recovery-oriented, person centered human services agency with competitive salaries, attractive benefits, career advancement and an excellent communication access department. Advocates offers a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental and life insurance, tuition reimbursement, 410(k) plan and a six-week holiday/vacation package. Advocates is an EOE committed to employing a diverse workforce. For over 30 years, Advocates has been providing high quality, community based supports across Eastern and Central Massachusetts. Over 1000 dedicated staff offer a broad range of services including residential supports, outpatient mental health and substance abuse services, psychiatric emergency services, home-based services for children and families, community justice services, advocacy and benefits services, family supports, employment and vocational services and day habilitation programs. Services are available for elders, families and individuals with mental health challenges, chemical dependency, developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism and pervasive development disabilities, brain injuries and other life challenges. Advocates is a nationally recognized provider for adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome, Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults with disabilities and individuals with developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. Our culturally sensitive programs and supports serve individuals and families from diverse backgrounds. Please send your resume to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- UTAH SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND 742 Harrison Blvd., Ogden, Utah  84404 Telephone (801) 629-4702 Voice, (801) 629-4701 TTY Salt Lake Telephone (801) 464-2000 Voice, (801) 464-2001 TTY Toll Free in Utah 1-800-990-9328 Announces the Position of Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, USDB Location:    Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Announcement No. 72-12 742 Harrison Blvd. Schedule AD Ogden, UT  84404 DPR 50401/6400 JOB SUMMARY   This is an appointed job and reports to the Superintendent of the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB).  The incumbent serves as a member of the executive staff in a close and confidential relationship and at the will of the Superintendent.  May respond to management, staff, the public, legislative and/or other entity requests on behalf of the Superintendent; coordinates and/or acts as a liaison between USDB and other agencies, work units, organizations, suppliers, etc.; receives assignments from the Superintendent and relieves Superintendent of administrative detail; provides administrative support; maintains calendars; schedules and coordinates appointments; coordinates travel plans; receives, researches and responds to incoming questions or complaints; provides information, explains policy and procedures and/or facilitates a resolution; tracks current events, legislation and other issues of interest to management and the agency; drafts talking points, takes notes, writes or drafts correspondence, reports, documents and/or other materials; reviews incoming correspondence; initiates replies as appropriate; routes matters requiring action by staff or other organizations and follows up to ensure actions are completed; reviews outgoing correspondence, edits for procedural and grammatical accuracy, conformance to general policy and accuracy; edits written material, formats and arranges material; some travel required to attend meetings; performs other duties as assigned. JOB REQUIREMENTS/SKILLS   Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing and other computer software, filing and records management systems, transcription systems, forms design principles and other office procedures and terminology; applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures; agency and organizational programs; research methods, techniques, and sources of information.  Ability to arrange, coordinate and schedule time and details; coordinate the activities and tasks of people, groups and/or organizations; communicate fluently in English; communicate clearly and effectively; read and understand information presented in writing; make decisions and solve problems using logic to identify key facts, explore alternatives and propose quality solutions; act as intermediate agent to help resolve differences, conflicts or complaints; find, gather, collect, monitor and track information or data; review and edit documents for accuracy and completeness.  May supervise receptionist and/or other clerical staff.  Preference may be given to applicants with American Sign Language (ASL) skills, and/or knowledge of deaf or blind communities. Some travel is required to attend meetings.  In order to drive a state vehicle, employee hired for this recruitment must have and maintain a valid Utah driver license and clean driving record, and will be subject to the Driver Eligibility standards found at the following link:  Successful completion of criminal background check is required for this position. SALARY AND BENEFITS   $17.89 per hour.  This position is eligible for a full benefits package including medical, dental, life, and long-term disability insurance, a retirement plan, paid leave to include annual, sick, and holiday pay, and other valuable benefits.  The State requires employees to receive their pay through direct deposit or a payroll debit card account. ASSIGNMENT PERIOD   This is a full-time position.   Work schedule Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. OPENING DATE:   November 19, 2012                CLOSING DATE:   November 27, 2012 HOW TO APPLY:  To be considered for this position, you must register and submit an electronic application and resume on the State of Utah job seeker website at The requisition number for this position is 28224. Reasonable accommodation is provided in the interview process for known disabilities of otherwise qualified applicants. To request a reasonable accommodation in the interviewing process, please contact the Human Resource Office, (801) 629-4705 or (801) 629-4726, at least 24 hours prior to the interview. The State of Utah, Executive Branch, participates in the Federal Employment Eligibility Verification Program (E-Verify).  If hired, your continued employment will be contingent upon confirmation of your employment eligibility through the E-Verify Program. Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provides reasonable accommodation to the known disabilities of applicants. have enough substitutes. KBS (in the Ogden area) is in of need members of the deaf community and qualified others to help become a SUBSTITUTE TEACHER, AIDE , and/or INTERVENER. You can earn extra $$  as these are paid positions. We are looking for people who are: ·       fluent in ASL ·       able to pass a background check ·       a good role model and work well with students PLEASE COME AND HELP OUR STUDENTS IN TIMES OF NEED. Visit or call one of the numbers below for more information: Mike Hillstrom Director of Kenneth Burdett School of the Deaf (KBS) Utah School for the Deaf 742 Harrison Blvd. Ogden, UT  84404 Ph. 801 629-4751 (v) 801 675-1926 (cell. or text) 385-244-4373 or 801 528-6539 (vp) 801-629-4709 (fax) SUBSTITUTE Teacher of the Deaf/IEP Coordinator The EDCO Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is looking for a substitute Teacher of the Deaf/IEP Coordinator. This position would cover for a medical leave. Individual is needed ASAP. Contact Ed Mulligan, Director 617 244-3407, EDCO is an Equal Opportunity Employer MU seeking interpreters []Office of Disability Services Division of Student Affairs University of Missouri Attention: Mid-Missouri Area Interpreters! The Office of Disability Services at the University of Missouri-Columbia is recruiting a pool of part-time, temporary sign language interpreters for post-secondary (undergraduate to doctoral) level work and University events to begin in January of 2013. Interested interpreters must have experience interpreting in higher education classroom settings, hold a valid Missouri license at the (Missouri) Advanced or Comprehensive levels OR National interpreter Certification with a Missouri license. Interpreters must be flexible, be team players, and possess good interpersonal skills. Send a letter of application, resume, copy of certification and contact information for three professional references to: Angela Graves Deaf Services Coordinator S5 Memorial Union Columbia, MO 65211 If you have any questions, please contact me at (573) 882-4696. Angela Graves Deaf Services and Temporary Disability Coordinator Office of Disability Services S5 Memorial Union University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65211<> 573/882-4696 (main) 573/234-6662 (VP) []<>To have news, announcements about events and activities, and information about scholarships and internship opportunities delivered straight to your newsfeed, be sure to "Like" MU Office of Disability Services on Facebook. Alan and Michelle Green, Ogden, UT are looking for a back-up/on call sitter for their 2 boys, one whom is Deaf. They are learning and using American Sign Language (ASL). They have a nanny who works with them for 10 hours per week on average. There are many times the nanny is unavailable or needs time off.  They are hoping to find someone who is Deaf or someone who knows sign language to care for their boys as needed. For more information and if interested, please contact Michelle Green at (801) 648-4066 or email her at Employment Specialist for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Employment Specialist for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bridges to Employment, a division of Alternatives, Inc., is a comprehensive career service. Our team offers an array of employment related solutions to meet a variety of todayÿÿs workforce needs.  We are currently expanding our services and seeking Employment Specialists to work with individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. This position is part time and the candidates would work in the Mercer County area.  Pay rate is from $15-$22.50 an hour. Job Requirements: *  Must have experience working with individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. *  Ability to communicate using American Sign Language and have strong receptive skills. *  Must have excellent communication and organizational skills. *  Must have own transportation and be willing to travel throughout Central NJ to meet with clients as needed (mileage reimbursement included). Job Duties: *  Provide training and assist with job development and placement activities for individuals served. *  Ability to network and build relationships with community employers. *  Provide on-site job coaching and maintain professional relationships with employers to ensure job retention. Fax resume and cover letter to Alyse Betso at 908-685-2660 or via email to Hancock Madison Shelby educational services is seeking an interpreter for a new student.  Please contact Carla Nugent, HMSES, 1834 Fields Boulevard, Greenfield, In 46140, 317-462-9219 for more information. There is a part-time interpreter position opening up at the Boston Arts Academy. The start date will be mid-January. This is a .4 FTE position, 16 hours per week. We are currently looking to fill Monday - Thursday, 1:45 - 5:45pm. If you are interested please email Sarah Chase at with your letter of interest and resume. UTAH SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND 742 Harrison Blvd., Ogden, Utah  84404 Telephone (801) 629-4702 Voice, (801) 629-4701 TTY Salt Lake Telephone (801) 464-2000 Voice, (801) 464-2001 TTY Toll Free in Utah 1-800-990-9328 Announces the Position of Early Intervention ASL/English Specialist Parent Infant Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Location:         Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Announcement No. 71-12 Northern Utah Area Schedule AH                 (including Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Box Elder, and Cache Counties )                                        DPR 50199/5510 JOB SUMMARY   Performs the duties of an emissary for the USDB Parent Infant Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (PIP DHoH); provides appropriate programming for deaf/hard-of-hearing students, birth to 3 years of age, with emphasis in ASL/English skill development; prepares and writes lesson plans for each student; generates information/reports on children as appropriate; follows appropriate curriculums, as provided; provides effective home visits as well as ASL/English Language training with the family in a controlled language environment; advises and teaches parents in the area of deafness/hearing impairment and ASL/English language development; assists parents in embedding visual language activities within the child.s everyday routines; keeps appointments with families; provides and maintains equipment/materials; serves as Early Intervention (E.I.) team member; follows up on referrals; takes a collaborative role at E.I. staffing meetings, IFSP and initial IEP meetings and student transitions and aids in IFSP success through appropriate assessments, including assessment of hearing functioning, language acquisition, goal development and follow-through of the IFSP; attends training sessions and workshops as assigned by program administrators; is involved with training colleagues in ASL/English skill development programming; coordinates with PIP DHoH supervisor and program director; performs other duties as assigned. UTAH SCHOOLS FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND 742 Harrison Blvd., Ogden, Utah  84404 Telephone (801) 629-4702 Voice, (801) 629-4701 TTY Salt Lake Telephone (801) 464-2000 Voice, (801) 464-2001 TTY Toll Free in Utah 1-800-990-9328 Announces the Position of Early Intervention ASL/English Specialist Parent Infant Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Location:         Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Announcement No. 71-12 Northern Utah Area Schedule AH                 (including Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Box Elder, and Cache Counties )                                        DPR 50199/5510 JOB SUMMARY   Performs the duties of an emissary for the USDB Parent Infant Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (PIP DHoH); provides appropriate programming for deaf/hard-of-hearing students, birth to 3 years of age, with emphasis in ASL/English skill development; prepares and writes lesson plans for each student; generates information/reports on children as appropriate; follows appropriate curriculums, as provided; provides effective home visits as well as ASL/English Language training with the family in a controlled language environment; advises and teaches parents in the area of deafness/hearing impairment and ASL/English language development; assists parents in embedding visual language activities within the child.s everyday routines; keeps appointments with families; provides and maintains equipment/materials; serves as Early Intervention (E.I.) team member; follows up on referrals; takes a collaborative role at E.I. staffing meetings, IFSP and initial IEP meetings and student transitions and aids in IFSP success through appropriate assessments, including assessment of hearing functioning, language acquisition, goal development and follow-through of the IFSP; attends training sessions and workshops as assigned by program administrators; is involved with training colleagues in ASL/English skill development programming; coordinates with PIP DHoH supervisor and program director; performs other duties as assigned. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- other deaf-related jobs -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

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