DeafDigest - 02 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 2, 2013   -- a comment by a real-time TV captioner A real-time TV captioner told DeafDigest editor, re these captioning bloopers: they often focus on our mistakes; don't they? I wish they focus on the 98 percent or 99 percent that we got it right!     -- a deaf child assaulted by a school crossing guard A school crossing guard, very angry about being ignored by a deaf child, assaulted him. A group of students, seeing it happen, asked a police officer to arrest the guard. The police officer refused. What is going on? This incident took place last week in Varanasi, a big city in India. Why was the guard angry? He asked for a favor, for deaf child to pick up a bag of mixed nuts from a vendor across the street. The deaf child didn't - and was hit by the guard. Yet, the police and the school officials ignored this incident.   -- what has become of Derrick Coleman, deaf player in NFL? Derrick Coleman, Seattle Seahawks, is NFL's only deaf player. How is he doing? He has played 7 games, starting 3 and catching 6 passes as the fullback. He has not, however, played since October 17th because of a hamstring injury. He has recovered and may possibly play tonite against New Orleans Saints.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/01/13 Blue edition at: 12/01/13 Gold edition at:

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