DeafDigest - 02 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 2, 2015 -- students and teachers trapped at deaf school Worst flood in 100 years damaged a school for the deaf, leaving 100 students and teachers stranded. Electricity has been cut off; there is no food because of the damaged kitchen. This school is located in Chennai, India. Emergency response people plus the military is now trying to rescue those stranded at the school. Making the rescue efforts more difficult is that the city is practicaly shut down. And heavy rains have continued. the picture of the flooded school is at:     -- deaf uncomfortable with interpreters The Harvard newspaper printed a long story about deaf students at the university. One interesting comment was that deaf students without deaf identity are uncomfortable with interpreters. Those with deaf identity are happy to have interpreters.     -- valuable pieces of land in Texas Texas School for the Deaf is located in probably the most expensive part of Austin, a booming city. Legislators drooled over selling parts of the school land for private development. They backed off when the deaf community threatened to make it a nasty fight. Just how expensive is the land? Deaf historian/researcher Steve Baldwin said: You bet they wished they had kept their houses and land that they purchased for $15,000 and now are worth a million bucks!.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 11/29/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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