DeafDigest - 02 February 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 2, 2016 -- a strange garden built by deaf A deaf man built a garden. It looks strange. A picture of this strange garden is at:     -- FedEx Ground says deaf must hear barcode scanner beeps FedEx Ground has been accused of discrminating against deaf employees, denied opportunities because they cannot hear barcode scanner beeps. The federal judge told FedEx Ground that court trial will proceed on behalf of 17 deaf employees that have claimed discrimination. For a long time, both groups have negotiated, discussed, had conferences, and heavily persuaded each other - to no avail - hence the court trial.   -- football concussions are serious A couple of weeks ago DeafDigest editor chatted with a deaf assistant football coach of a hearing high school team. He said that his team had a serious issue with concussions - because seven players suffered these head injuries in just one season. DeafDigest is mentioning this because Derrick Coleman's attorney said he had a concussion but continued to play football for the Seattle Seahawks. This led to a bad autombile accident that the cops are accusing him of vehicular assault.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 01/31/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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