DeafDigest - 02 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 2, 2020   -- rejections by the Hearing Millenniels & Deaf Millenniels the following is the list of things being rejected: landline phones (no TTY's any more for the deaf) life insurance (no Frat any more for the deaf) door bells (no more flashing signalers for the deaf????) golf (less deaf golfers and less deaf golf tournamens????) movie theaters (less possibility of open captions) Change is good or is it bad? For the deaf, DeafDigest is afraid these changes is bad!     -- making 911-text calls too complicated? DeafDigest is worried about deaf people trying to make these emergency 911-text calls from Mohave County (near the Utah-Arizona border). The set of instructions being passed around includes 14 steps to follow! People in panic (both deaf and hearing) cannot calmly follow these instructions during emergencies!   -- A Quiet Place: Part II copying a 1994 movie A new movie - A Quiet Place: Part II, featuring a deaf actress, Millicent Simmonds, is sort of copying a 1994 movie. In that past film - The River Wild - Victor Galloway, a deaf man, with no previous acting experience, was featured as the grandfather of his hearing family. They knew sign language to communicate with the grandfather - and knowledge of this language came in handy when they were placed in a dangerous situation because of a crazed criminal. Rookie actor Victor passed away in 2013. The family in the Quiet Place movie "knew" sign language to be able to communicate with each other in these dangerous situations.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/29/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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