DeafDigest - 02 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 2, 2018   -- ugly lawsuit in Florida A deaf man applied for ASL teaching position at Pensacola State College in Florida. The university told him he was overqualified. The job was given to a hearing woman. She told the deaf man that she asked the university if any deaf person applied for the ASL job. The university said no! The university now has to defend itself against a job discrimination lawsuit because of this lie. A picture is at:   -- too few deaf truckers Today's newspaper said: America's severe trucker shortage could undermine the prosperous economy Trucking companies are offering big pay and $4,000 bonuses to lure drivers. It's not working.   Maybe few deaf people (same as few hearing people) want to be truck drivers because the job is tough - long hours of driving and no home life? Deaf reasons same as hearing reasons?   -- be careful of old hotels Many hotels are old. What this means is old TV sets. Yes, there are captions with old TV sets - but these captions show up very slow on TV when deaf people switch channels, using old remotes! No one likes slow captions.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Things deaf people hate 07/01/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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