DeafDigest - 02 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 2, 2020 -- dangers of a future sign language glove DeafDigest brought up the UCLA sign language glove only being tested by four deaf people. There was a newspaper headline that said that over 1,000 spoken words may accidentally turn on a voice device such as Alexa and Siri. Well, how many wrong sign language gestures could accidentally turn on a sign language glove! Scary?   -- Oscar has 819 new voters With the goal of diversity in mind, Oscar has invited 819 new voters. Approximately 45 percent are women, and 36 percent are non-white. What percentage of new members are deaf? Zero percentage, and it is disappointing.   -- Drive-in movie thoughts A DeafDigest subscriber, who is an avid movie-goer, gave his thoughts regarding captioned or non-captioned drive-in theaters. Issues were - would captioning glasses work through the car windshield? Could he eat his popcorn at the same time handle the captioning box? Are these captioning devices cleaned up (Covid-19)? The wide-length drive-in screen may not possible work with the glasses? He has a suggestion - bring own iPhone and the theater could provide a "Guest Wifi Theater Channel" but would these theater owners go for it? And if open captions are forced on them, these theaters could just go out of business just to avoid the hassles of ADA lawsuits!   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/28/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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