DeafDigest - 02 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 2, 2020 -- fuzzy TV sound and blurred TV subtitles DeafDigest mentioned a couple of times that Ben, the leading character in the British sitcom EastEnders, has become deaf. And that the EastEnders producers wanted to introduce Deaf Culture to the hearing viewers. As a result, the sitcom last night showed fuzzy TV sound and blurred TV subtitles. Of course, the British hearing viewers were not too pleased about it!   -- walking through the riots with the shirt written deaf A deaf resident of Washington, DC, making it a point during the riots last night, had his white shirt written "Deaf" on the front. Don't know what the hearing protesters had to say about this unusual white shirt.   -- our LSM signers The deaf of Mexico use LSM, which means Mexican Sign Language, properly titled as lengua de señas mexicana. Our French friends up north in Quebec use LSQ (Langue des signes québécoise or Langue des signes du Québec).   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/31/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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