DeafDigest - 02 March 2020

DeafDigest Blue - March 1, 2020
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
Employment ads web site:
Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
John Bosco Conama, a deaf activist in Ireland,
was nominated for a seat in the Upper Legislative
body - the first ever for a deaf politician.
A headline ran like this:
How do you design a building for people who can't hear?
This was in reference to Gallaudet's guidance with
Deaf Building or Deaf Space
The headline should run like this:
Do design a building for people who can't hear
The first headline casts doubt; the second
headline casts positivity!
The Romanian government has recognized sign language
as the "mother tongue" of the deaf in the nation.
How are hearing aids being made in a hearing
aid factory? A tech magazine said that almost all
hearing aids are made by 3D machinery!
No such a thing as hand-made hearing aids?
Discriminated deaf employees must give hearing
employers advance notice of their discrimination
complaints - so that the hearing employers cannot
say "I didn't see it coming." This was the advice
an attorney working with the discrimination said.
Unlock the phone with CapTel® Captioned Telephone! CapTel shows
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CapTel® Captioned Telephone – See What Everyone is Talking About!
weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Many deaf people suffer from tinnitus. We have
some doctors that work with people that suffer from
    There is one doctor, who said she is the only one
in USA with a doctorate, specializing in tinnitus. Her
name is Dr. Marsha Johnson and her practice is in
    Yet, how many deaf patients have seen her in her
15 years of practice?
    Zero! Why?
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
A hearing person came to a deaf person
The deaf person thought the hearing person said:
Hi, my name is Greg
The hearing person actually said
Hi, my name is Craig
This week's ASL video in youtube
    DeafDigest has wondered if Wegmans
supermarket has deaf employees with "ASL" on
their name tags.
    It was learned that the Wegmans in Rochester,
NY, has several dozen deaf employees and
they all have "ASL" on their name tags.
    DeafDigest wishes that stores will hire
ASL people (either deaf or Coda) and wear
name tags with "ASL" on it.
This week's ASL video in youtube:
    Can someone work as a court reporter and a CART provider or
realtime captioner at the same time? This is a question that I
have been asked a number of times.
    Most CART providers and realtime captioners actually started
their careers as court reporters and have transitioned to
their new professions. Some do it gradually by working in both jobs
at the same time. Some just decide they are going to change jobs and
make a quick change.
    Even though court reporters and captioners use the same basic skills,
there is a very different mindset that one must have in each position.
For court reporters, the main objective is to make a verbatim record. The
reporter must focus on getting something phonetic for every single word
that is said.
    For CART providers and captioners, the main objective is communication
access. The captioner can't just write words phonetically and prepare a
transcript later. The words must translate so that the people reading
the screens can understand what is being said.
    Some court reporters can successfully work as CART providers or captioners
at the same time, but it takes a lot of skill and concentration to focus on
what to write in certain circumstances.
    For example, if the name of the fictional character "Stephen Dedalus"
were to be said and it was not already loaded in a computer dictionary, a
court reporter would just write the name phonetically, and it might come
up as "dead lust." A captioner would either have to fingerspell the name
or find another way to communicate to the audience what was said.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
Members of the alumni of Clarke School for the Deaf
are upset. The school have changed its name only
that the alumni was not made aware of it.
It is now the Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech.
Not keeping the alumni informed of the name
change in advance is a big time mistake. It was
the  alumni, over the years, that raised the high
profile of the school. A school, any school, is
only as good as the solid alumni base behind it.
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
Jay Yeow, who is deaf, has opened his cake
and pastry cafe in Malaysia. Already he is
winning raves from satisfied customers.
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Copyright 2020 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

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