DeafDigest - 02 May 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 2, 2017   -- a hospital that is DEAF A picture is worth 1,000 words, so do click on: The captions under the picture will explain what it is all about.   -- Deaf Shark Tank NTID sponsored Deaf Shark competition. Of the top 4 designs, three were deaf-related. One was ASL app for deaf babies; other was three-flashing-light rear view mirror - to alert deaf drivers of cops or fire trucks or ambulances. The last one was an enhancement of Netflix captions. Who won? The fourth design that was not deaf-related! It was a magnetic skateboard.   -- priority of college presidents Do keep in mind many deaf students attend Gallaudet and NTID. Needs of the deaf students is the priority at Gallaudet and NTID. This being said, there are many, many others that attend hearing colleges. A survey was taken of college presidents to learn what their priorities are. Needs of students is not a priority with them. They are more concerned with finances and operations. Needs of deaf students (as well as of hearing students)? Their response is - let our staff members take care of them!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Mistake and insult 4/30/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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