DeafDigest - 02 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 2, 2018 -- ASL teacher pulled out of class and escorted out of building Arlenne Negron taught ASL at a high school in Pasco County (Florida). All of a sudden school officials showed up in her classroom and pulled her out and pushed her out of the building! The school wanted to cancel the ASL classes in middle of the semester because of budgetary concerns. For some reason the classes continued, forcing the school officials to physically force her out. As a result her hearing students are planning to show up at the next Pasco County School Board meetng to make a big issue out of it! A picture is at:   -- mayor insults the deaf Mayor Dave Cull, during an angry moment at a council meeting, yelled at a hearing person, saying: Are you deaf or stupid? Maybe the mayor used the word "deaf" as a joke, but the deaf community felt insulted. They felt that their deafness should never be mentioned as an example. It took place in Dunedin, New Zealand, and he apologized.   -- deaf in violent protest is a mayoral candidate Connell Crooms, who is deaf, has put up his candidacy for mayor of Jacksonville, Florida. He is not part of either party - Democratic or Republican. Crooms was arrested during a violent protest last year; police officers jumped on him; all he did was to just protest at a rally. All charges were dropped against him however.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- word captioned five different ways 04/29/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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