DeafDigest - 02 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 2, 2019 -- some deaf people hate interpreters Interpreters are important to the deaf; yet because of some bad experiences with them, there are, unfortunately, some deaf people that hate them. Simply said, no interpreters, the more difficult it is for the deaf! DeafDigest editor read an anti-interpreter posting today.   -- over $300,000 but not for Deaf Home An organization serving deaf senior citizens has over $300,000 in the bank. Why not just use the money to buy a Home for the Deaf Seniors? More complicated than what it seems to be. If HUD is asked for help, it would allow hearing seniors to live in the Deaf Home, which is not what the deaf members want. Why not just go ahead and buy a building for Deaf Home? A real estate group, knowledgeable with Deaf Homes, said it is a risky and bad investment!   -- Amazon's high level deaf administrator A couple of days ago DeafDigest mentioned Amazon hiring a full time interpreter. There was a reason - the company hired Michael Nesmith, a deaf man, as the art director, working with the Amazon Devices Marketing team. A stressful job means last-minute staff meetings hence the importance of full tine intepreter on the premises! This leads to another question - is the interpreter available only for Nesmith or for all deaf employees on the Amazon campus?     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/28/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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