DeafDigest - 02 November 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 2, 2021 -- Paranormal Investigator that is deaf Explaining what paranormal means can get quite complicated - but just one word can describe it as accurately as possible - ghosts! In a web posting a deaf person said he is a Deaf Paranormal Investigator. Does he look for Deaf Ghosts or Hearing Ghosts? Do not know.   -- #1 mission of a deaf social service agency The director of a Deaf Social Service agency was asked this question: What is your biggest challenge His response: Making hearing businesses aware of Deaf Culture   -- fear of fatique do viewers get sick and tired of repeatedly watching these Marvel re-runs? A critic said: It adds up to Marvel fatigue. No one yet gets tired of watching these Lauren Ridloff re-runs but one day it may happen as the public shifts their attention to a new and different action videos!   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/31/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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