DeafDigest - 02 October 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 2, 2014   -- hearing aid in a dangerous sport Mat Gilbert, who is deaf, is a professional rugby player in Great Britain. It was learned that he wears a hearing aid while playing rugby. He said bumps and bruises do not destroy his hearing aid. He is more worried about sweat and water that can do more damage! He wears a padded skull cap to protect his hearing aid on the field. Does he worry about hands and shoulders that slam his ear? This question was not asked during the interview!   -- a deaf leader among college students in Montana Kirk Hash, who is deaf, was elected to the senate of the Associated Students of the University of Montana ASUM). This group is more like a Student Body Government, while representing students at Missoula College. Since it is very difficult to find interpreters that can come to evening meetings, Kirk uses the video relay services instead.     -- seven languages in Qatar People of Qatar use the 999 telephone service for emergency purposes (like our 911). This service is available in seven different languages that the natives speak. What about the deaf? This service is only available in Arabic and English! What about five other langauges that the deaf may use? Sorry, they are out of luck. Discrimination?     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 09/28/14 Blue edition at: 09/28/14 Gold edition at:

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