DeafDigest - 02 October 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 2, 2019 -- hating it the most What do a deaf person hates the most? Being invited to a hearing party and not able to carry on a conversation with a hearing person because of the crowded room and noisy conditions. This was what a deaf person mentioned in a newspaper interview.   -- ADA law vs medical confidentiality law A mess of a lawsuit that the Maryland judge admitted it was. ADA requires interpreters; the husband of a deaf patient did not want to tell her what his medical condition was. He was afraid that the presence of an interpreter would ruin the confidentiality of his medical condition. So, which law is which? An ugly situation it certainly was!   -- a magazine's crazy claim The Detective Magazine is for people that love to read about how fictional crimes are solved. It said that hearing impaired readers can benefit from audio broadcasting of articles in that magazine. For the deaf people that cannot discriminate sound, how?     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/29/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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