DeafDigest - 02 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 2, 2020 -- Census Bureau suggests TTY/TDD line The Census Bureau said the deaf people can use the TTY/TDD line. A critic said it is obsolete and many deaf people no longer use this device, preferring to use relay service.   -- using ASL at 9 months old There was a story of a 12-year old high IQ genius, who is not deaf, and the family was all hearing. The story said he could understand and use ASL while at the age of 9 months. Is this a fact story or an exaggeration?   -- a typical interpreting agency Has Covid-19 impacted privately-owned interpreting agencies? In the case of one agency, business dropped to 25 percent of what it was before the Covid-19 outbreak. This is not good.   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/27/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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