DeafDigest - 02 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 2, 2014   -- a big honor in Australia A big honor in Australia is induction into the National Road Transport Hall of Fame. Since Australia is huge with a vast Outback, transportation (vehicles, huge trucks and buses) is very important. This society has inducted Jim Ashley, a deaf man, into its Hall of Fame. Jim has, for 43 years, driven all types of buses, touring coaches, semi trailers, container forks and other huge vehicles. You can see two pictures of him at:   -- a hospital just doesn't learn its lesson Almost all hospitals know that ADA requires interpreters for deaf patients. Once a hospital is guilty, it quickly learns its lesson and provides interpreters for future deaf patients. Not so with the Baptist Hospital, Miami, Florida. This hospital was penalized in the past for not providing an interpreter. And again this same hospital is being sued for the same thing. Seems the hospital just cannot learn its lesson!   -- another top deaf chef DeafDigest mentioned Kurt Ramborger being invited to the World’s Best Deaf Chef contest. There is another deaf chef - with a big honor - Charleston Wallace, a deaf chef with the Eddie V's Prime Seafood restaurant in Tampa, Florida. He won the chain's national honor as the top chef. This restaurant chain, serving only best dishes, has nine restauarants in Texas, California, Arizona and Florida.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/31/14 Blue edition at: 08/31/14 Gold edition at:

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