DeafDigest - 02 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 2, 2019 -- Worst Seinfield TV character Seinfeld TV Series had a nine year run that ended in 1998, as one of the most famous programs. Re-runs continue and do keep in mind that Marlee Matlin was cast in one episode. Anyway there was a posting about these "worst Seinfield characters" and Peterman, as the boss. He "took" advantage of one of his "employees" that had a hearing loss. For that reason, it was the "worst" Seinfield character.   -- airline blocks deaf-blind passenger Zamir Dhale, who is deaf-blind, was enroute to Geneva to attend the United Nations confrence on the disabled. He has traveled everywhere in the world in the past, but this time AirAsia blocked him. The airline said deaf-blind people cannot travel alone. It took some hassling with the airline personnel before he could board the flight several hours later.   -- noisy factory loves deaf employees There was a story about Valence, an aircraft manufacturer in Everett, Washington, many employees. The factory is noisy, no problem for deaf employees. Hearing employees learn some sign language, because of deaf employees and because noise prevents voice communications. Deaf employees stay at job whereas hearing employees leave for jobs at Amazon, Boeing and others!     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/01/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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