DeafDigest - 02 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 2, 2020 -- hearing deciding what is best for the deaf Deaf people pretty much hate it when hearing people decide what is best for them - without even asking the deaf for their input and comments. The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf began during a conference of 73 participants in 1963 in Indiana. 58 of these participants were hearing; just 15 were deaf. Was the root of RID's problems and issues nowadays caused by the majority vote 57 years ago? We don't know and we hope RID will fix itself now and move on smoothly.   -- difficulty in publishing a sign language dictionary A sign language dictionary is 80 percent complete but it has been sidetracked for quite some time. Very difficult to find an editor that knows sign language and also knows linguistics. Turnover has been high in that editorship position, which requires travel to all parts of the nation, asking around which sign should be used for which word and so on. That nation is Rwanda. We already have quite a few sign language dictionaries in USA.   -- the deaf and the TikTok TikTok is very controversial. Many people love it. Many people also hate it. What about the deaf? A TikToker is trying to teach Sign Language, one TikTok video at a time. The title of the video series is - TikToker Uses App to Raise Awareness About the Deaf Community   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/30/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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