DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 2, 2021
-- hearing aid taken away from a deaf prisoner
It may not be safe for the deaf in Belarus, which
is a dictatorship nation. He was accused of
insulting the government and asking for calls
of violence. He was given a 2-year prison
sentance and the officials seized his hearing
aid and refused to return it despite repeated
-- obit says deaf man was General Motors' first deaf employee
There was an obit of a deaf man and it said he was the
first deaf employee at General Motors. This is a puzzling
comment - because in the past when automobile was the king,
many deaf people were employed at auto manufacturing
plants across the nation, including the Detroit area
and other rust belt areas.
-- restaurant closed, but a new one opens
Deaf chef Darren Weiss has closed up his
popular restaurant Darren’s in Manhattan
Beach, CA after a 12-year run. He has turned
around and started a newer restaurant - Fox
and Farrow in the same locale. Closing
restaurants but opening up newer ones is what
well-known and popular chefs do and Darren
is no exception. If he is questioned about
his qualifications, he is a graduate of Culinary
Institute of America in New York.
Deaf jobs - latest update
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