DeafDigest - 03 April 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 3, 2013     -- a hospital ignores deaf patient for 12 days! A deaf patient, with appendix problems, was admitted to a hospital. Yet, for 12 days, the hospital staff ignored her, despite her repeated request for an interpreter. Her appendix was removed - but there was no follow up procedures after the operation. This is terrible. Where is the hospital? Why cannot ADA force the hospital to immediately hire an interpreter, etc? The Ninewells Hospital is not in USA but in Dundee, Scotland. The Scottish public services agency is VERY angry about the whole thing and has disciplined the hospital and has implemented procedures for future deaf patients.     -- fake demand for deaf pilots to fight in the war USA was in war; and word got around that the American military forces were asking for deaf men to sign up as military pilots. Quickly, the US Department of Defense put a stop to it, saying that the request was a fake. The military people suspected that it was the enemy who spread the fake request for deaf pilots. What was this all about? The New York Times ran this story in its September 15, 1918 edition, during the World War I years. They blamed enemy Germans for creating this fake request.     -- a big drop in deaf students enrolled at colleges Five years ago in Northern Ireland, there were about 250 deat students attending colleges. Now it is under 100 deaf students. Why the big drop? Lack of funding? Lack of support services? Lack of deaf students' interest in pursuing higher education???     -- deaf pharmacist says interpreters don't help deaf patients! Shibata Masahiko is a deaf pharmacist with the Osaka General Medical Center in Japan. He said that many deaf patients don't understand their medical needs even with interpreters and notes! He said deaf patients understand better with sign language deaf pharmacists than interpreting and notes.     -- deaf electronics company can't find employees Deaf Alerter is a deaf devices company in Derby, England. This company builds flashing devices for the deaf. This company worked with a school to try to find job applicants. Ten people applied for the job through the school. The school screened the list for qualified applicants and there was only one. And that person turned down the job offer! The city of Derby has many unemployed people yet the company couldn't find someone to hire!     03/31/13 Blue edition at: 03/31/13 Gold edition at:

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