DeafDigest - 03 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 3, 2019 -- budget cuts were hidden DeafDigest mentioned twice that the White House wanted to cut the budgets of Gallaudet and NTID. It was realized that these budget cuts were hidden inside the thick budget printouts. One had to be a financial detective to catch these budget cuts. DeafDigest understands that both institutions, their friends and their supporters plan to wage a full scale battle against the White House budget people.     -- to hire an interpreter or to teach ASL or to write notes What is the best way - to hire an interpreter or to teach ASL to employees or to write notes? In a newspaper interview an employer had three choices - and he chose to have his employees learn sign language to deal with deaf customers. Just hope the ASL is good because bad ASL will turn off deaf customers.   -- a bullied deaf employee and a big decision A deaf employee was bullied at her hearing workplace. She had to make a big decision - to keep her mouth shut and to remain employed or to file a protest with her employer. It is a decision no deaf employee wants to make. A third decision is to quit the job and to find a deaf-friendly workplace. These three decisions are never easy to make.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/31/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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