DeafDigest - 03 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 3, 2016   -- a real-life deaf hero A brave deaf person is Gavin Reid, a Scotsman. He was part of a hearing crew in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. During that race he saw a disabled yacht, a big mess - propeller was broken, the sail broken, and a boater stuck on the top of the sail. Without thinking, he dived towards the disabled boat and rescued the boater. For this, he won a big government heroic award. Two interesting things about that race - Gavin's boat had to stop racing to perform this rescue operation, thus losing ground to other competing yachts. And that the stuck boat was not even part of the race, but happened to be sailing nearby!. A picture of Gavin is at:   -- the deaf and the lightning Are deaf people more in danger when lightning strikes as compared to hearing people? Thunder comes first before the lightning, often few seconds apart. Hearing people can hear the thunder; many deaf people can't. Hearing people run indoors when they hear the thunder. A deaf person may stay outside unaware that the lightning is coming up real soon! This was the warning from the National Weather Service. What should the deaf person do? Look at the weather reports and at the sky. If it looks bad, just stay indoors!     -- 911 died for one hour Vermont is a great state. But it has no state school for the deaf - and for almost an hour earlier this week, the 911 system went dead! During that very long one hour, deaf people that wanted to use 911 were out of luck. Why did 911 crash? Something to do with bad software! And it was not the first time it happened this summer. It happened late in June. In fact, the state officials have suggested Vermonters better know their 7-digit police station numbers as an emergency back up. 7-digits for the deaf, forget it! We need easy 3-digits, not hard 7-digits.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Comment, worst about deaf 08/01/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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