DeafDigest - 03 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 3, 2018   -- deaf sports team eating and sleeping on the highway A deaf national sports team, with no money for hotel and meals, was forced to cook meals and sleep on the highway in Africa. The Gambian government would not give money to the deaf national soccer team for their tournament in another African nation. As a result the team had to make do with highway life. It was a newspaper story that embarrassed the government. A picture is at:   -- a librarian remembers a rare request Nili Ness, not deaf, is a librarian with the Queens Library system in New York City. Part of her job is to honor library book requests and to do once-a-week delivery of these books to the Rikers Island prisons. She has received requests for books on a range of subjects - but there is just one request she remembers. A deaf prisoner asked for books on ASL learning       -- Netflix "deaf" team still gets complaints Netflix has a "deaf" team, actually a group of employees that take care of captions and subtitles of all of its videos. This team works with third party vendors to make sure captions and/or subtitles are put into these videos. Many deaf people are not happy - because "bad" words are not captioned. Said Netflix: Censoring swear words, for instance, is not company policy Should deaf people blame Netflix or blame these outside captioning/subtitling vendors?       Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- visual displays not always helpful 07/29/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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