DeafDigest - 03 December 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 3, 2019 -- Denver Broncos rejects the Deaf Voice The Denver Broncos has established the Disabled Access Advisory Committee to advise the team on the needs of disabled (and deaf) fans. This committee includes City and County of Denver Commission for People with Disabilities, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, National Spinal Cord Injury Association, and Craig Rehabilitation Hospital. Where is the Deaf Voice on the committee? None! Zero! Sad irony since Broncos hired a full time interpreter to accompany Kenny Walker when he played for them for two seasons way back in the early 1990's.   -- deaf people creating their own sign languages How did the deaf create their own sign language? Linguists thought that when two deaf people, both not knowing each other, would create a common language with signs and gestures that both would understand. Multiply that by groups of deaf people meeting each other for the first time everywhere in the world and we see these multiple, and different, sign languages.   -- serious VRI issues at a major DC hospital George Washington University Hospital is a huge and sprawling complex of buildings scattered across the city. The hospital replaced live interpreters with VRI. DeafDigest editor had an appointment today with a doctor at that hospital. The staff had a hard time locating the VRI iPad that was needed, but finally found it. The iPad was low on power and the staff could not locate a charger. They found a charger but it was the wrong one. Eventually the VRI iPad went dead. The rattled doctor then cut short the appointment. The interpreter, which was great, was located in Houston, Texas and it took quite a moment to understand these sign language differences. Bottom line - does DeafDigest editor like the VRI experience? No. A live interpreter is always preferable.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/01/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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