DeafDigest - 03 February 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 3, 2017 -- city takes down all past meeting videos A city has removed all videos of its past council meetings from its web site and its youtube channel. Reason was to avoid the costs of captioning past city council meeting videos. ADA violation? No, the guilty city is London, Ontario. Could it happen in USA? Never can know. A picture is at:   -- a break for deaf inmates a major video relay provider announced its plans to provide video relay services for deaf inmates. When? Where? How? Such details were not included in the announcement.   -- Reverse Job Fair may be a new thing There are job fairs everywhere. Some deaf people get jobs through these fairs. Some don't. The Arizona Department of Economic Security has come up with a Reverse Job Fair. Instead of employers sitting behind tables interviewing these deaf job applicants, it is a reverse. These deaf job applicants sit behind these tables and wait for interested employers to come to them. DeafDigest wonders what is going to happen when 100 deaf job applicants are sitting and just 10 employers show up at the fair. Are these employers going to be able to interview all 100 of these deaf job seekers?   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- street named after non-famous deaf person 1/29/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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