DeafDigest - 03 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 3, 2017   -- NFL again looks at Gallaudet The NFL draft comes up late in April. And for the third time in recent years, the NFL has looked at a player from Gallaudet. It was Tony Tatum, and then Adham Talaat. Now it is Carneilus Smith. Tatum wasn't drafted but played two seasons in Arena Football. Talaat, not drafted, participated in three NFL tryout camps and then played in the now-defunct Experimental Football League. Will the third time be the charm? A picture is at:   -- surprise for deaf or not really a surprise Karen Graham, not deaf, is a past Atlanta TV news anchor. She made an announcement of a surprise new venture that would serve the deaf community. The announcement would be made on January 5th. A real big surprise or a "nothing-new" surprise? Just stay tuned.   -- deaf nightmares in hospitals A deaf female senior citizen was in a hospital for six days - without an interpreter. Another one was that a deaf man was admitted to the hospital three times, and sent back home each time - because of no interpreter. He finally got an interpreter when the deaf man's family filed a legal complaint with the hospital staff. These took place, not in USA, but in Australia!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- wrong gifts for deaf 1/01/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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